Web Hosting Vs Web Design

WebHosting Blog :-
Many Australian businesses that have chosen to design and build a web site, either use a web designer, or find one of their existing staff members wanting to do the job. Both options can get you the desired result and meet your required budget. Web designers work hand in hand with web hosting providers to get a website designed, hosted and available on the internet for the public to see. There are a few things to consider, both from a design and hosting point of view, and whether your hosting provider will offer you the best service available.

Using one of your existing staff members can be a good solution for a relatively simple site; if you have chosen a good web hosting provider that provides good web builder software with the required support services to back it. Many of the available web builder tools included in your hosting package will give you a professional result, with minimal time and effort invested. These tools can also offer you easy-to-use content managed solutions.

If you've decided to use a web designer, you have two options: Let the web designer take care of everything for you including the actual design and building of your site, as well as the Website Hosting, Domain Registration and Email. Or you can find an independent website hosting provider that specialises and dedicates their time to making sure your site is always available and hosted in an optimal environment. It is a web hosting provider's job to register your domain and provide a rock solid hosting platform with a reliable email service. There are pros and cons for both options, and the differences are briefly highlighted below.

Letting your web designer take care of your hosting can in some cases be a simplified solution if you have the right web designer (i.e. dealing with one provider), however, you have to question their ability to put the correct focus on both disciplines. Many web designers are creative people who are often under pressure to launch your site by the required time and within the required budget. If everything is set up correctly from a hosting perspective, with dedicated support in case of any problems encountered, this should be a fairly straight forward process. As we know problems arise when things aren't running smoothly and it is at these times you want a hosting provider to look after their core focus - which is Hosting, and the web designer to look after their core focus - which is Web Design. Ideally you don't want the web designer wasting time (and your budget) sorting out a hosting problem, when this is not their speciality and all you want is your site ready in time.

Another reason for separating your web designer from your hosting provider is for "insurance" purposes. The reason I call this insurance, is because effectively you're spreading the risk. If you are not happy with your hosting provider, you can quite simply find a more suitable one and ask your web designer to move your site over. And likewise, if you're not happy with your web designer, you can switch web designers and not affect the hosting and therefore, availability of your site. You can then give your new designer the access passwords to your site and they can take over from there. Alternatively, if your designer was also looking after the hosting for you, and things weren't running as smoothly as they should, you may find yourself in a position where you are looking to change designers and your current designer makes it very difficult for you to access your site or its content.

So consider all the options above and make sure you choose the correct provider for the correct service. One that you are confident in the fact that they specialise in what they are offering.

Source: http://goo.gl/UwfSs

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